
Thanks to the State Botanical Museum of Lausanne we had the chance of studying and publishing certain basic materials on Afghan Flora.

  • Alam M., Trees and Shrubs of Afghanistan. A Dendrological Guide. 530 p. (in English)
Trees and Shrubs of Afghanistan. A Dendrological Guide. Rossolis Ed.
Trees and Shrubs of Afghanistan. Page 151.
Trees and Shrubs of Afghanistan. Page 152.
Trees and Shrubs of Afghanistan.
  • Alam M., 2003. Bref aperçu de la bibliographie botanique afghane, première étape d’un guide dendrologique et sylvicole. 18 p. (in French)
  • Alam M., 2004. Trees, Shrubs and some Sub-Shrubs of Afghanistan. 50 p. (in English)
  • Alam M., 2009. Plant Collectors in Afghanistan. 39 p. (in English)
    • Alam M., & Philippe Sauvain, 2010. De Herbarium Land Larshowd “Short Guide of Herbarium” 18 p. (in Pashto),
    • Alam M., 2011. Roots of botanical name and their English, Pashto and Dari equivalents. 93 p. (in English),
    • Alam M., 2012. Afghan Plants in Flora Iranica. (in English), Unpublished.
    • Alam M. & J.-L. Moret, 2005. La pistache et le pistachier. 16 p. (in French).
    • Alam M. & J.-L. Moret, 2005. Grenade et grenadier. 16 p. (in French).
    • Alam M. & J.-L. Moret, 2006. Le mûrier 16 p. (in French).
    • Alam M. & J.-L. Moret, 2009. La figue et le figuier. 20 p. (in French).

Cover of the Guide of making a Herbarium in Pashto:

A page from the mentioned Guide:

Cover of the first edition of the dictionary Roots of Botanical Names…

A page from the mentioned Dictionary:

A pamphlet which contains about 20 trees :

Pages of the mentioned pamphlet :

We are currently working on our book ‘Plants of Traditional Medicine in Afghanistan’.

Beside Afghan Plants, the book includes some additional plants which have been imported from abroad. Here is a sample:
